Sunday, February 12, 2012

My maiden voyage!

Finally!  My very own blog!  Those pesky New Years Resolutions sometimes take time to get started...February 12th is the new Jan. 1, anyhow...

My reasons for having a blog:  1)  I enjoy writing, 2)  I enjoy making people smile, 3)  I plan to make you smile with my writing.  For starters?  I know you're thrilled that I received an early Valentine's day present of a Tim Tebow tshirt.  This is my second Valentine's day I've received one.  That's true love, when your husband supports your celebrity crush.  *sigh*  I'm so lucky.   See?  You're smiling at my good fortune. 

I wish the photo background of my blog wasn't blue.  It doesn't really go with my "girl" theme.  But I just ADORE dandelions at the puffy stage for home-- or blog-- decor.  (I stole the ultra-scientific definition of "puffy" from my children.  They specifically call them "Puffies")  And Harper, my token tomboy, loves blue, so she'll be happy.

Alright, I don't want to have TOO much fun on Post 1, I might set the expectations too high right out of the gate.  I will, however, leave you with this~

These are 5 of my favorite people ever.

Until next time...


  1. Can't wait to read your blog on a reg. basis! Congrats on the start!!!!

  2. You are so wonderful with words Samara! I look forward to following your adventures! :)
