Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Post V-day news

I'm baaa-aack! And if YOU'RE back that must mean I haven't bored you to tears yet.  *whew!*

So V-day is over, and that's fine by me.  We have loads of candy and treats lying around, BEGGING me to eat it.  And we've got stickers EVERYWHERE.  But it is such a sweet holiday.  Or "season" as Harper called it.  Sophie called it, "Happy Just Because I Love You Day!"  (I think she got that from Nick Jr.)  Ali has carried her treat bag around with her preeeetty much every second since she brought it home, and Taylor, well, Taylor just loves candy.  Seriously that girl can down suckers like nobody's business.  The classiest is when she double-fists them.

Ohmygoodness, big news...I've registered for Grandma's Half Marathon lottery.  Eeeeek!  It's a lottery because they have more registrants than openings, so they let everyone who wants to register, register, and then will pick at random 6,300 from those people.   I'll find out at the end of the month if I've been selected.  Four months from tomorrow is the big race.  I've got to get my rear in gear!  To answer your inevitable question, no, I'm not a die-hard runner.  I have run on a recreational level since I was a teenager and nowadays, it's my default exercise.  I have never run a half marathon, but I need something to shoot for to keep motivated and active.  I think I can I think I can I think I can... 

Other big news is my 3 1/2 year olds are outgrowing naps.  *Sigh*  Speaking of my 3 1/2 year olds, here's Sophie "painting" Harper's face.  Sophie's sales pitch was, "Do you want me to paint your face?  I'm really good, I can do elephants, monkeys, whales, flamingos...what would you like?"  Shocked to see Harper's hat, aren't you?  Ha.  She hadn't worn it from Tuesday night until Wednesday night and WOW I'd forgotten what her hair looked like.  I suggested she wear it less often and she did not heed my advice.  She covets that hat. 

So I don't mean to sound needy, but just for my sake, if you read my blog, will you just "like" the link when I post it on FB?  I'd love your comments, too, but a simple "like" will do.  I just like to know who my audience is, besides just my #1 and #2 fans, my mom and auntie Shar.  (Though I am content with just those two, they are some fan-tastic women!)

Alright folks, you have one super night and I'll chat at ya soon! 

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. So proud you signed up for the half:) and your kiddies tub time picture is precious...
