Monday, February 20, 2012

What a busy day!

Wow, am I beat...

This afternoon, Josh and I switched our room with our twins' room.  Harper and Sophie are now in our room with all their stuff, and Josh and I moved into their room.  Our original room is bigger, and with a bunkbed set coming in the near future, they needed more space.

and YES!  I found the perfect twin-over-full bunk bed set from Slumberland!  We ordered them yesterday but the worker said it could take as long as 6 weeks for them to ship.  Ugh.  Here's a pic~

So, the only thing I don't love is that the guardrail doesn't go all the way to the end.  Does anyone have any suggestions as to how we could remedy that?  Anyone out there handy with wood-working and could build me a railing??

Not sure who's more excited for them to arrive, me or the girls.

Josh and I work well together, tho, and I sure am grateful I'm married to my best friend.  He's one funny guy.  Read on~

During the "move", our girls were downstairs watching The Fresh Beat Band's "Wizard of Song" (what they were watching has no relevance, except to make the point that they're obsessed with this episode)...anyway, every now and then a muff (a "muff" is a word I use for my kids, short for "ragamuffin"...) would come upstairs and undoubtedly exclaim, "WOW, are you switching rooms?!?"  Sometimes it'd be the same kid and yes, the move would blow their minds everytime.  Tay would come up and say, "Uh-oh!  Whoa!  Why?!?!"  At one point, Harper and Sophie had been fighting over two teeny tiny lamb squinkies (squishies?  those tiny toy figurines)...Harper came up to complain.  This is how the conversation ensued...(keep in mind, Josh and I were in the throes of moving/cleaning/organizing/rearranging, etc)

Harper:  "Daa-aad, Sophie won't share her lambs."
Josh:  "Her lamps?  Those are not her lamps."...thinking she's talking about the lamps we're moving into our bedroom.
Me, knowing what Harper's talking about but not wanting to have to own the sharing fiasco, clarfiy for Josh, "No, she's talking about LAMBS"
Josh to Harper, "Oh the lambs?  Yes, you can play with them after Sophie."
Harper:  "How many minutes 'til I can play with dem?"
Josh:  "Five".

A couple minutes go by, Harper and Sophie appear.  Josh and I are still very busy.

Harper:  "Daaa-aaad, Sophie still won't share her lambs."
Josh:  "Sophie, please share your lambs.
Sophie:  "But it will be a long long time before I can have them back."
Josh:  "No, it won't be a long time."
Sophie:  "Yes it will, Harper will want to keep them."
Josh, having had enough, says to them both,  "STOP TALKING TO ME ABOUT THE LAMBS!  I have a ton of stuff to do and none of it involves LAMBS!!"

At this point I'm laughing hysterically.  Mainly because it's not happening to me.  If it were happening to me, I'd prolly have thrown the lambs in the garbage.

So needless to say, I'm tired.  So's Josh.  And the lambs.

'Night, ya'll.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Family, bunkbeds, and Josh Daughtry

So I must warn you, I'm about to get sappy. 

On Thursday, two of my mom's brothers came over to my house to visit with us.  They brought a guitar and each played/sang a bit (very characteristic of a Peterson gathering).  At one point, my mom and my uncles were singing that song that goes, "Rock-a my soul in the bosom of Abraham" (also characteristic) and I couldn't help but feel so. very. blessed. that not only do I have fond memories of growing up surrounded by traditions like this, my children will, too.  The three of them sang it in a round fashion, and it was just so beautiful to me.  I sure do love all of my Peterson family.

It's also so touching to me when people make a point to love my children, family or friends alike.  I have countless family members who bless them so and it means so much to me.  I'm thankful for family.  Just tonight I was at my little cousin's 10th birthday party with aunts, uncles, cousins, 2nd cousins, my grandma...some people see 2nd cousins never, but my 2nd cousin is coming over for a sleepover tomorrow night, how lucky are my kids?!?!  I sure do love my Eider family too.

Someday I'll dedicate time to brag about the wonderful friends I have, too, but for now I need to move on before I start bawling.

Tomorrow we're going to check out Slumberland and the other furniture stores around yonder to look for bunkbeds for Harper and Sophie.  This is kind of a big undertaking because it means switching their room to our current room, which will include a little painting, a little reorganizing...all things that are hard to find time for.  But I'm excited to shop! 

So I posted a pic of my hubby Josh last night, and a couple of my FB friends commented that Josh looks like Chris Daughtry (from the band "Daughtry"), and tho I'd never noticed, it's totally true!!  And while Josh is not the rocker/singer/guitar-player/guy-liner wearer type, I'd say Chris is not a bad person to resemble!  I *maybe* had a crush on him when he was on American Idol  (tho Josh is hotter)  This was the pic~

So then I googled pics of Chris, and found one where his eyes were closed, too.

As I looked through other pics of Chris, I saw more of Josh, too.  It's weird!  What do you think, do they resemble each other!?!

Okay, so I'd better sign off if I'm going to get up early and run.  Because I am.  I am I am I am.  YES I AM.

Oh wait, one more thing, just wanted  to say THANKS for the "likes"!  It's fun knowing who my audience is!  Feel free to "like" my links anytime!

Until next time...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Post V-day news

I'm baaa-aack! And if YOU'RE back that must mean I haven't bored you to tears yet.  *whew!*

So V-day is over, and that's fine by me.  We have loads of candy and treats lying around, BEGGING me to eat it.  And we've got stickers EVERYWHERE.  But it is such a sweet holiday.  Or "season" as Harper called it.  Sophie called it, "Happy Just Because I Love You Day!"  (I think she got that from Nick Jr.)  Ali has carried her treat bag around with her preeeetty much every second since she brought it home, and Taylor, well, Taylor just loves candy.  Seriously that girl can down suckers like nobody's business.  The classiest is when she double-fists them.

Ohmygoodness, big news...I've registered for Grandma's Half Marathon lottery.  Eeeeek!  It's a lottery because they have more registrants than openings, so they let everyone who wants to register, register, and then will pick at random 6,300 from those people.   I'll find out at the end of the month if I've been selected.  Four months from tomorrow is the big race.  I've got to get my rear in gear!  To answer your inevitable question, no, I'm not a die-hard runner.  I have run on a recreational level since I was a teenager and nowadays, it's my default exercise.  I have never run a half marathon, but I need something to shoot for to keep motivated and active.  I think I can I think I can I think I can... 

Other big news is my 3 1/2 year olds are outgrowing naps.  *Sigh*  Speaking of my 3 1/2 year olds, here's Sophie "painting" Harper's face.  Sophie's sales pitch was, "Do you want me to paint your face?  I'm really good, I can do elephants, monkeys, whales, flamingos...what would you like?"  Shocked to see Harper's hat, aren't you?  Ha.  She hadn't worn it from Tuesday night until Wednesday night and WOW I'd forgotten what her hair looked like.  I suggested she wear it less often and she did not heed my advice.  She covets that hat. 

So I don't mean to sound needy, but just for my sake, if you read my blog, will you just "like" the link when I post it on FB?  I'd love your comments, too, but a simple "like" will do.  I just like to know who my audience is, besides just my #1 and #2 fans, my mom and auntie Shar.  (Though I am content with just those two, they are some fan-tastic women!)

Alright folks, you have one super night and I'll chat at ya soon! 

Until next time...

Sunday, February 12, 2012

My maiden voyage!

Finally!  My very own blog!  Those pesky New Years Resolutions sometimes take time to get started...February 12th is the new Jan. 1, anyhow...

My reasons for having a blog:  1)  I enjoy writing, 2)  I enjoy making people smile, 3)  I plan to make you smile with my writing.  For starters?  I know you're thrilled that I received an early Valentine's day present of a Tim Tebow tshirt.  This is my second Valentine's day I've received one.  That's true love, when your husband supports your celebrity crush.  *sigh*  I'm so lucky.   See?  You're smiling at my good fortune. 

I wish the photo background of my blog wasn't blue.  It doesn't really go with my "girl" theme.  But I just ADORE dandelions at the puffy stage for home-- or blog-- decor.  (I stole the ultra-scientific definition of "puffy" from my children.  They specifically call them "Puffies")  And Harper, my token tomboy, loves blue, so she'll be happy.

Alright, I don't want to have TOO much fun on Post 1, I might set the expectations too high right out of the gate.  I will, however, leave you with this~

These are 5 of my favorite people ever.

Until next time...