Saturday, November 24, 2012

Where've you been!?!

Welcome back!  It's been awhile!  How utterly shameful that my last post was AGES ago.  I'm really really really going to do my best to update this more than twice a year. 
Just in case you forgot who I am during my long absence, allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Samara.
This is me with my hubby and gaggle of girls:
Here are my children on Halloween:
Here's me and my best friend:
And now you're caught up!
Thanksgiving is over and Christmas isn't far.  Don't you just love this season?   It makes me feel warm and fuzzy.  I love the soft glow of Christmas tree lights and warm cuddly blankets and hoodies.  I'm still not suuuuuuuper enamored with the cold temps and snow, but I'm making it my New Winter Resolution to not complain about the weather.  I need to conserve my energy for things that really matter, ya know?
Today's "Thing that make me chuckle"... Watching Tay clomp around in her winter boots- in the house- while randomly stomping hard to make them light up.
*Sigh*  I have to go find clothes for my children to wear.  Yes, that's right, none of us are dressed at 3:30pm on a Saturday.  Don't judge.

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