Friday, March 16, 2012

Not so temporary!

Hey folks!  Happy Friday!  Aren't you simply pumped for the weekend?  And the fact that it's supposed to be in the 60s?!?  I sure am. 

So big news around here is Harper and Sophie's bunkbeds are all set up!  And they're in them!  And fell asleep without making a peep!  And every creak I hear my heart races, half expecting Harper to fall to the ground from the *gulp* top bunk!  Yes, I know, it might be reckless of us to let her sleep up there, considering she's only 3.  But...what can I say.   She LOVED seeing her trademark blue hat hanging on the post.  Josh assessed all four of our kids' abilities/desires to go up and then down the ladder:  "Harper's a pro, Sophie's more timid on the way down, Ali's a scaredy-cat and Tay won't go near the thing".  Accurate assessment.  ;)

Okay...drum roll please....BIGGER news around here...after many years of talking about it, Josh finally did it.  He got a tattoo!!  It's on his right forearm, it's the first initials of our four daughters (A, H, S, T...can you see them?), and Josh loves it.  I, because I'm just a little more animated, LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE it.  Here's a pic~

Our kids are funny about it.  Particularly Ali.  "Does Dad still have his tattoo?  Is it with him at work?"  It's not quite equivalent to their Toy Story temporary tattoos. 

Less important and crazy-annoying, I bought a frame from Target tonight and there's a blemishy scratch on the glass. UGH. I guess I have high expectations for brand new products. Like, you know, be intact. Dumb.

Okay folks, I'm out.  Enjoy the sunshine this weekend!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE bunkbeds!!! And I totally know that whole heart stopping feeling about the top bunk..but more importantly..that is some seriously awesome ink!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE the idea!!!
